Saturday, March 22, 2014

Boomer 1964 TV: 50 Years Ago-- Part 1

From March 2014 AARP Bulletin "Power of 50: Boomer TV" by Carol Kaufmann. //// "Fifty years ago this month "Jeopardy!" came on the air. 1964 became a landmark year for other TV show debuts. Here are some favorites from that year." Well, I'm not sure of some of them being "landmarks," but I did watch some of them. Just remember this was back in the time when most families only had one TV and the parents got the choice on what to watch. //// (Also a problem when traveling by car back then when there was only one radio and guess who sat in the front seat.) ** Means I watched it. //// FLIPPER-- "Dubbed 'the Aquatic Lassie,' the show depicted the adventures of two Florida lads and their pet bottlenose dolphin. //// PEYTON PLACE-- "Based on a 1956 novel by Grace Metallious, the first prime-time soap opera featured an idyllic town and its harrowing secrets." //// What Timmy Fell Into the Surf and a Shark Bit Him? --Cooter

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