Friday, March 22, 2013

Sixty-Three Spanish-American War Veteran Children Still Receiving Pensions

From the March 21, 2013, Mailonline (UK).

Yesterday, I wrote about two children of Civil War veterans still receiving pensions, almost 150 after the war ended.  They also had a table showing how many people are receiving pensions from subsequent wars.

From the U.S. Veterans and Dependents on Benefit Rolls as of September 2011.

War/ Veterans/ Children/ Parents/  Surviving Spouses

CIVIL WAR--  __/  2/  __/  __

INDIAN WARS--  __/   __/  __/  __

SPANISH-AMERICAN--  __/  63/  __/ 50

MEXICAN BORDER--  __/  10/  __/ 22

WORLD WAR I--  __/  2,371/  __/  2,734

WORLD WAR II--  269,418/  11,185/  29/  210,696

KOREAN WAR--  206,502/  2,347/  105/  65,900

VIETNAM ERA--  1,325,941/  4,051/  2,228/  191,488

GULF WAR--  1,214,,715/  3,220/  1231/  19,941

The last verified Civil War veteran, Albert Woolson was 109 when he died in 1956.  The last verified Civil War widow, Gertrude Janeway, died at age 93 in 2003.  She married John Janeway when he was 81 and she was 18 who received a $70 monthly pension check.

Of interest, two of former President John Tyler's grandsons are still alive, 140 years after the 10th president's death.

Interesting Numbers.  --Cooter

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