Tuesday, February 12, 2013

1865 Baseball Card Brings $92,000 At Auction

From the Feb. 6, 2013, Northwest (Il) Herald "Rare 1865 baseball card to be auctioned in Maine."

And Mom either threw my cards out or sold them for pennies at a garage sale.  Well, actually, I did not have this one so no harm done.

This article was before the auction, but I found out it did sell for $92,000.

A six-figure amount was expected for the 148-year-old Brooklyn Athletics baseball card that was discovered in a photo album bought at a yard sale in Balleyville, Maine, on the Canadian border.  I would have liked to know how much they spent for the album?

This card, however, is not the same as modern baseball cards which became popular in the late 1800s.  It is an original photograph mounted on a card.

The Library of Congress says only one other copy exists and they have it.

(Of course, baseball cards sold in stores today have sure gotten expensive.  I used to spend just 5 cents for a pack of five and that break-your teeth piece of bubble gum.)

Should Have Been Mine.  --DaCoot


troutbirder said...

I have a whole shoebox of forties and fifties baseball cards. I wonder if.....;)

RoadDog said...

Check one of the baseball card guides. Forties and fifties should be worth something.

But, when I think how many we wasted in bicycle spokes, I wonder....