Friday, October 8, 2010

Ten Things You Might Not Know About Chicago Mayors-- Part 2

4. FAST JUSTICE-- After Giuseppe Zangara mortally wounded Mayor Anton Cermak during an appearance with President-elect Franklin Roosevelt in Miami on Feb. 15, 1933. Within five days, he was sentenced to 80 years in prison. Cermak died of his wounds March 6th and three days later Zangara pleaded guilty of murder and died in the electric chair March 20th, just two weeks after Cermak's death.

5. MAYOR DALEY MARATHON-- What the Chicago Marathon was first called when it debuted in 1977. The mayor at the time, Michael Bilandic, ran in it.

6. MAYOR WITHOUT RUNNING FOR MAYOR-- Fred Busse was elected mayor in 1907 with out giving a speech or making any campaign appearances. He had spent the whole campaign recovering from a near fatal train wreck. The Chicago Tribune did his campaigning for him.

I Would Have Like to See Mayor Richard J. Running in His Marathon. --DaCoot

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