Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Your Scorecard for the Generations and Who Is Generation Y?

I know who the Baby Boomers are, being one myself, but just actually who are the generations X and Y?

Mu uncle sent a tongue-in-cheek e-mail about the generations that sure helped clear it up for me, especially with generation Y.

Here goes:

Silent Genration-- born before 1946
Baby Boomers-- 1946 to 1959
Generation X- 1960-1979
Generation Y-- 1980-1995-- sometimes called the children of the Baby Boomers.

One sure way to tell a generation Y person is the y formed at the top of their rear end because of those low-slung pants. Their heroes were, no doubt, plumbers.

By the way, a survey of 7,000 Generation Y folks had these findings:

97% own computers
97% have downloaded music
28% author a blog
44% read blogs

So, Now You Know. --Old Coot Who Has Never Knowing Downloaded Nothing.

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