Thursday, August 14, 2008

USS Constellation on the Move

It's a VERY old ship and this past weekend, it was towed from its berth in Baltimore out to where the latest US destroyer, the USS Sterett was being commissioned. The Sterett's namesake was a third lieutenant on the original Constellation.

This new destroyer cost $1.3 billion.

This USS Constellation was built in 1854 and was the US Navy's last full sail warship and was launched in Gosport Navy Yard. Before the Civil War, it spent time apprehending slave ships and during it, chasing Confederate raiders.

There is some question as to whether or not this is the original USS Constellation, built in 1797. When the city of Baltimore got the ship, it said this was the original.

Always Great to See an Old Ship Saved. Too Bad More of the Historic Ships Weren't. Glad to See so Many World War II Ships Being Saved. --Da Coot

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