Monday, May 5, 2008

"Such is Life"-- The Life and Times of Ned Kelly

I imagine some of you may never have heard of Ned Kelly unless you're from Australia. I'd never heard of him until I took a trip to Australia several years ago.

This past week, we had an NTN question about him where I was the only person in the place to know who he was.

Ned Kelly was Australia's most famous bush ranger born 1855 and died Nov. 11. 1880. To some he is still and outlaw, to others he is regarded as a folk hero for his resistance to colonial authorities.

He wore a 97 pound suit of armor at his last stand in Glenrowan on June 28th. This covered his whole body except for his legs which received 28 wounds before he was brought down.

He survived and stood trial and was, of course, found guilty. When the judge, as customary, said, "May God have mercy on your soul," Ned supposedly replied, "I will go a little further than that, and say I will see you there when I go. The judge died 12 days later of a carbunde.

Kelly's reported last words before he was hanged were, "Such is life."

Sounds Like a Very Interesting Man. --Old Coot

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