Saturday, April 5, 2008

Lincoln Document Goes for $3.4 Million

Sotheby's auctioned off Abraham Lincoln's 1864 reply to the Little People's Petition for $3.4 million smackeroos. Also, there were another 20 Lincoln documents among the 111 items in the lot.

Also, of interest, were several pages from George Washington's diary, correspondence of Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, a rare document signed by both Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, 10 Robert E. Lee documents, and items from John Brown, Samuel Clemmens, and Orville Wright.

I couldn't figure out if the $3.4 million was for all 111 items, or just for the Lincoln paper. Plus, was this all from one person's collection, or from many? Plus, where did they get that much money to build a collection like this if it was just one person's?

Who Has That Much Dough in these Recession Days to Afford This? Probably Big Oil Execs. --Da Coot

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