Friday, May 6, 2022

Seven Things About Cinco de Mayo-- Part 2: France Won the War Anyway

4.  After losing the Battle of Puebla, France went on to win  the war.

Mexican victory at Puebla slowed, but did not stop the French onslaught.  French Emperor Napoleon  III ordered another 30,000 troops sent to Mexico under a new commander.  They overran Puebla easily and captured Mexico City. 

Juarez and his followers escaped to the mountains and Napoleon installed  Ferdinand Maximilian von Hapsburg, second in line to the Austro-Hungarian throne as Mexico's ruler.

5.  The French occupation of Mexico was short-lived.

Back in France, Napoleon III was growing increasingly concerned about  Prussia, which had won victories against Denmark and Austria and figured they would next try to  reclaim the  the disputed territories of  Alsace and Lorraine.

Meanwhile, the Civil War in the United States had ended and  the U.S. government was putting pressure on him to get out and also supplying  weapons to  to Juarez's army.



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