Wednesday, November 17, 2021

The Wars of the United States-- Part 3: Gulf War, Iraq War and Afghanistan

**  GULF WAR  (1990-1991)

In January 1990, the United States and its Allies launched Operation Desert Storm, a ground assault to liberate Kuwait which had been occupied the year before by Iraqi forces under Saddam Hussein.  The war itself did not last very long.

In this conflict, 2,322,000 Americans served.

There were 1,948 deaths and 467 wounded.

**  IRAQ WAR (2003-2011)

This led to a lengthy engagement, first with soldiers loyal to Hussein and then with various insurgent factions.

During the war, 4,431 Americans died.


**  AFGHANISTAN WAR  (2001-2021)

The United States and its Allies launched Operation Enduring Freedom on October 7, 2001, with the aim of overthrowing the Taliban, believed to be protecting members of the al Qaeda terrorist group responsible for 9/11.

U.S. forces withdrew from Afghanistan on August 30, 2021, and within hours the Taliban had taken back the country.

The U.S. was there for 19 years and ten months.

2,442 Americans died.


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