Friday, April 2, 2021

Here Is Another Triple White Star Survivor, John Arthur Priest (Olympic, Titanic and Britannic)

From the March 23, 2021, ListVerse  "Top 10 luckiest unlucky  people whose luck nearly killed them.

The subject of the last two posts, Violet Jessup is also in this list.  But, this is a different person who also survived the Titanic and the Britannic sinkings.  And, he was on the Olympic as well.  Plus, he had two other ships sink while he was on it.  A true "unsinkable" as it were.

His name was Arthur John Priest.

Arthur John Priest worked as a stoker, or "fireman," whose job it was  to keep the boilers of a ship constantly steaming  by shoveling coal into them.    As such, they were well below the waterline and near the bottom of one of those massive triple sisters of the White Star Line.

While serving on the Olympic in 1911,  he survived when the ship was struck and holed by the HMS Hawke below the waterline, but did not sink.

The following year, he got a job on the Olympic's sister ship, the you-know-what.


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