Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Pilgrims Arrive 400 Years Ago-- Part 3: A Birth, Not Nice Exploring and 'Thievish Harbor'



Birth of Peregrine White born to Susanna and William White.


Another expedition from the Mayflower, this time led by the ship's master, Christopher Jones.  Jones soon returned to the ship because of harshness of New England winter setting in.  The rest of exploring done under leadership of Myles Standish.

Essentially, this exploring led to grave looting, stole corn and raided homes.


By now, it was becoming critical to find a place to settle.  Many wanted to settle where they were, but the Mayflower pilot, Robert Coppin, had been in the area before and said he kind of remembered a good harbor across Cape Cod Bay.

He called the place "Thievish Harbor" because it was where a Native had stolen one of his company's harpoons.


A group set off from the Mayflower to explore and look for Thievish Harbor.


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