Monday, September 14, 2020

The Tulsa Race Massacre, 1921-- Part 6: What Could Have Been

 At Tulsa's Greenwood Leadership Academy school, classrooms are named after teh Dreamland movie theater and other black businesses that white Tulsans burned down, said Kristi Williams, operations manager at the school.  Her great aunt fled with her date from one theater when armed whites came to destroy the black part of town in 1921.

Williams, whose family descended from Blacks enslaved by the Oklahoma-based Muscogee (Creek) Indian nation, emphasizes to her students the joint power and financial resources that communities like Tulsa's Black Wall Street once embodied.

"I just always imagine -- what would Greenwood look like if the massacre never happened?  We had an economy within an economy," says Williams.  "What could have happened?  What could we be."

Never Forget Or Overlook the Past.  

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