Friday, July 31, 2020

Cigarettes and Corn in 1944

From the Nov. 20, 2019, MidWeek (DeKalb County, Illinois) "Looking Back."

1944, 75 Years Ago.

"Remember way back when City Clerk Bill Wallmark always had a pack of cigarettes on the counter for the convenience of callers?  It is probably now that Bill has an extra smoke  now for anyone if they ask for it, but he has eliminated the 'help yourself' plan."


"Fairdale neighbors with tractors and corn huskers husked and shelled the crop of corn for Mrs. Eunice White  Monday.  Mr. White had been ill for several weeks and unable to husk his corn before he passed away Wednesday."

Mighty Neighborly in Fairdale.


Hey, Bud.  Got a Smoke?   --Cooter

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