Monday, July 22, 2019

Man On the Moon, 11 Things-- Part 3: A Felt-Tip Pen to the Rescue

7.  A felt-tip pen rescued the astronauts.  Within the cramped confines of the lunar module, Neil Armstrong's backpack smashed into the  ascent engine arming transfer.  He broke it.  Not a good thing.  But Buzz Aldrin pulled a felt-tip pen out of the pocket of his spacesuit.

It worked and they got off the Moon.

8.  Armstrong and Aldrin left their pee and poop on the moon along with pieces of items associated with seismic testing,  and the silicon "Memorial Disc."

9.  NASA quarantined the astronauts for three weeks after their return for fear of Moon plague.  First they were on the USS Hornet and then at Pearl Harbor.


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