Monday, February 18, 2019

American Legion Paris Caucus of 1919

At the conclusion of the fighting in World War I,  officers were asked how the morale of the troops could be improved.  One officer, Lieutenant Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. suggested an organization of veterans be formed.  He was the oldest son of President Theodore Roosevelt.

The organization's first meeting took place in Paris, France, in March 15-17, 1919, where a temporary constitution was adopted, the name American Legion selected and an executive committee formed.  Three hundred were expected to attend but it is thought that more than a thousand, both officers and enlisted, were there.

Twelve possible names were nominated, including:

Comrades of the Great War
Liberty League
Society of the Great War
American Legion
American Comrades

Well, We Know Which One Was Selected.

Come on down to the Fox Lake American Legion on Friday, March 15, where we will be having a joint  St. Patrick's Day and 100th Anniversary party.

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