Monday, February 22, 2016

An Empire Shrinks: The British Empire 1920-2014-- Part 1

From the September 18, 2014, Chicago Tribune "An empire shrinks" by Jonah Newman.

A series of world maps showing the British Empire in 1920, 1940, 19601980 and 2014 accompanied the page.

Back in 2014, a map going over the internet listed just 22 of 193 countries which were not touched by British power.  But actually, at its height, after World War I, Britain ruled either directly or de facto, more than 60 countries from Antigua to Zanzibar.

Decolonization, like colonization, was messy.  Some took many years and several stages.  And, there remains 53 countries that are a part of the U.K.'s Commonwealth of Nations.

Scotland was headed to the polls to determine its independence.  After voting, 55.3% voted to remain a part of Britain which greatly surprised me.


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