Monday, December 22, 2014

31 Things You Didn't Know About Christmas-- Part 2: St. Nicholas

6.  People give GIFTS to symbolize the ones given to baby Jesus by the three wise men.  But Saturnalia also required revelers to offer up rituals to the gods.

7.  Christmas, because of its PAGAN roots, was not immediately accepted by religious groups.  From 1859 to 1881, it was even illegal to celebrate Christmas in Boston.  Fines were given, but no jail time.

8.  Santa Claus came from ST. NICHOLAS, a Christian bishop in present-day Turkey in the 4th century A.D..  He had inherited a great deal of wealth and was known for giving it away to help the needy.  When he was sainted, he became the protector of children.

9.  After his death, the legend of St. Nicholas spread.  The name St. Nicholas became Sint-Nicolas in Dutch, or SINTER KLAUS for short.  Then, you know.

10.  Santa Claus delivering presents comes from HOLLAND's celebration of St. Nicholas' feast day on December 6.  Children would leave shoes out the night before and in the morning find little gifts that St. Nicholas would leave them.

--Sinter Cooter

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