Saturday, August 17, 2013

Sergeant Stubby: One Decorated Dog-- Part 1: Caught German Spy By the Seat of His Pants

From Wikipedia.

Last week I wrote about pit bulls and came across two from the Civil War and one who was promoted to sergeant during World War I. That one's name is Sgt. Stubby.

Born in 1916-1917-April 4, 1926. The most decorated dog of World War I and only dog ever promoted to sergeant through combat. Sgt. Stubby served 18 months and participated in 17 battles on the Western Front.
One of his fortes was saving his regiment from surprise mustard gas attacks. He also found and comforted wounded from his regiment and once even caught a German spy by the seat of his pants, holding him until American soldiers arrived.

Every American newspaper covered his exploits back home


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