Saturday, March 31, 2012

Yet Another List: Ten Alleged Wrongly Attributed Inventions

And who actually invented them. From the April 1, 2009 Listverse.

Wrongly credited first----actually invented it second.

1. COMPUTER DESKTOP AND GUI-- Microsoft (with Windows)---- Xerox PARC

2. AUTOMOBILE-- Henry Ford---- Karl Benz

3. X-RAY PHOTOGRAPHY-- Thomas Edison---- William Rontgen

4. MOVING PICTURES-- Thomas Edison---- Louis LePrince

5. TELESCOPE-- Gallileo---- Hans Lippershov

6. RECORDED AUDIO-- Thomas Edison---- Edouard-Leon Scott de Martinville

7. LIGHTBULB-- Thomas Edison---- Sir Humphry Davy

8. RADIO-- Guglielmo Marconi---- Nikola Tesla

9. POWERED FLIGHT-- Wright Brothers---- Richard Pearse

10. INTERNET-- Al Gore----creators of ARPANET

Definitely interesting reading. What's with old Thomas?

Messing Our Minds. --Cooter

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