Thursday, March 8, 2012

On Chicago's 175th Birthday-- Part 5

1893-- Mayor Carter Harrison is assassinated.

1894-- Pullman workers go on strike.

1895-- Nation's first auto race from Chicago to Evanston.

1896-- Williams Jennings Bryan gives his Cross of Gold speech at the Democratic National Convention.

1898-- Elevated train line built in Loop.

1898-- First Chicago-to-Mackinac sailboat race.

1899-- L. Frank Baum writes "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" at his Humboldt Park home.

1900-- The Chicago River's flow reversed. Chicago White Sox play their first game.

1901-- Walt Disney born in Chicago.

1902-- Marshall Field's opens State Street store.

1903-- Iroquois Theater fire kills more than 600, the deadliest theater fire in US history.

1904-- Riverview amusement park opens.

Obviously, More to Come. --DaCoot

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