Friday, January 29, 2010

"Groundhog Day" Quiz-- Part 1

Taking you back to that great 1992 movie "Groundhog Day."

I got this from St. Louis which would be a better place to take it since it also has pictures and you immediately learn if you have it right or not.

I case you can't get it, here's the ten questions of the quiz.

1. What song is playing every morning when Phil Connors wakes up at the bed and breakfast in Punxsutawney?

a) I Got You Babe, b) Tie a Yellow Ribbon, c) Spinning Wheel, d) Black Magic Woman.

2. What time is it on the clock radio when the alarm goes off every morning?

a) 6:00, b) 5:00, c) 6:30, d) 5:30.

3. Which of these talents does Phil NOT acquire while trying to impress Rita?

a) oil painting, b) piano playing, c) ice sculpture, d) speaking French.

4. Phil runs into an old high school classmate, Ned Ryerson, who recognizes him and starts a conversation. What business is Ned in?

a) a) shoe salesman, b) insurance salesman, c) used car salesman, d) vitamin salesman.

5. Phil tries to kill himself several times attempting to stop the continuous loop of Groundhog Days. Which of the following did he NOT use to attempt suicide?

a) jumping off a building, b) electrocution, c) suffocation, d) driving off a cliff.

Last Five Up Next. --Cooter

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