Saturday, September 19, 2009

Some Historical Things to See in Jacksonville, Florida

Jannell Parker in Travel World. co. in made a list of interesting things to see in and around Jacksonville.

Three I found of particular interest:

FORT CAROLINA NATIONAL MEMORIAL-- Marks the site of the first Protestant colony in America, 1564, by the Huguenots from France. A little-known part of colonial history. There was a major conflict between the Spanish at nearby St. Augustine.

RIBAULT MONUMENT-- Marks the site where Frenchman Jean Ribault and his crew became the first Protestants to set foot in America in 1562.

YELLOW BLUFF FORT-- Built in 1862 by the Confederates to protect Jacksonville in the "form of labyrinths and mazes." No battle fought here, but cannons were mounted.

Worth a Visit. --Cooter

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