Monday, June 16, 2008

Jolted into the 21st Century-- Part 2

Well, right now we have two computers in the house and a laptop on the way. That's getting into the 21st century in a big way. A few months ago, I got my first digital camera (hey that's 21st too).

The lightning also knocked out the VCR (that's right, a VCR) in Margaritaville (the name of our basement bar). I replaced it with a VCR/DVD player. This is my first DVD player. Looks like 21st century again.

We inherited Liz's mom's 25 inch TV and I didn't know where to put it. With the loss of the one in the sunroom, I'll move my study TV there and put Liz's mom's TV in the study. Well, it's not digital or HD, so we can't all be 21st century.

Being Dragged and Jolted into the 21st Century Against my Will. --The Old Coot

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