Tuesday, April 19, 2022

'The Godfather' Turns 50-- Part 3: $100,000 and Set Hijinks

**  $100,000

That's what it cost to do Sonny's tollbooth death scene (all those bullets) and blood packers, you know.

**  Hijinx On Set

Caan and Duvall, initially intimidated by the legendary Brando, broke the ice on set by dropping their pants and mooning him.  "He made me!" Caan says of Duvall.

Brando upstaged them by dropping his own trousers while the crew was  setting up the wedding scene photo.

**  A Blond Michael?

The studio floated Robert Redford and Ryan O'Neal for the role of the youngest Corleone brother.

Martin Sheen also auditioned.


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