Sunday, September 15, 2019

Cost of Cigarettes Up to 20 Cents in 1919

From the March 20, 2019, MidWeek  "Looking Back."

1919, 100 Years Ago.

"The high cost of smokes, as well as matches has been thrust upon users of the weed, and it is rumored about town that a lot of fellows are going to swear off.  Cigarettes that used to cost 10 and 15 cents are now selling for 20 cents in many stores, while in some places the proprietor has added just the war tax.

Matches formerly selling for a cent a box are now selling two boxes for five cents, and in addition, they are marked on the box as 'war quality' that means about every other one usable."

These costs were for a pack of cigarettes.  Of course, now with the cost of a pack of cigarettes at $6 to $8, that sure doesn't seem so bad.


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