Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Man on the Moon, 11 Things-- Part 4: Flag From Sears

10.  President Nixon had a speech prepared in case of mission failure.  Nixon speechwriter William Safire had written a failure speech two days before the landing in case of the deaths of Aldrin and Armstrong.

The speech focused on their being marooned on the Moon.  Part of it went like this:   "Those courageous men, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin, know there's no hope for his survival.  However, they know there's hope for mankind in their sacrifice."

This speech is in the National Archives.

11.  The flag planted by Aldrin and Armstrong is the only one planted by all the missions which is not standing.

They had had trouble planting the flag in the hard lunar soil.  Aldrin said that he had seen the flag topple from the lunar module's exhaust.

All of the Apollo flags were purchased at Sears by NASA secretaries on their lunch hour.

So, Now You Know.  --CootFlag

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