Friday, July 26, 2019

Eleven Fascinating Numbers About Apollo 11-- Part 2: 48

30--  When the Eagle, Apollo 11's lunar module landed, it had less than 30 seconds of fuel left.  Any less than that and the mission would have been aborted.

21:13--  Number of hours and minutes Armstrong and Aldrin spent altogether on the Moon.

151--  The number of minutes spend walking on the surface.

73--  In addition to the lunar module, American flag and a plaque, a one and a half-inch silicon disc was left with goodwill messages from 73 countries.

48--  Pounds of Moon rocks brought back.

21--  For fear of lunar bacteria, the three had to spend  21 days in quarantine.

1,096,348--  How far Apollo 11 traveled from liftoff to landing.  That's 224 round trips between New York and Los Angeles.

Figures In My Eyes.  --Cooter

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