Saturday, October 5, 2013

Deaths: Twister Inventor


From the July 11, 2013, Washington Post.

Died July 1, 2013. Was a lifelong tinkerer and also invented Un-Du, an adhesive remover and designed plastic handcuffs and safety-tipped darts. But most famous for the Milton Bradley game that has sold tens of millions of copies.

He co-created it with artist Neal W. Rubens. They originally called it King Footsie. It was released in 1966.

Milton Bradley first approached Sears to carry the game, but Sears declined saying it was too risky. Critics called it "Sex in a Box" because of contact which always came when playing it. I know it was a favorite at high school parties I attended for some reason.

Milton Bradley was about to pull it for Christmas sale until the game made an appearance on the Tonight Show and Johnny Carson and Eva Gabor played it. After that, it took off.

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