Monday, April 15, 2024

This Job's for the Birds: Tower of London's New Ravenmaster

From the March 5, 2024, Chicago Tribune "A job that's really for the birds" by Jill Lawless, AP.

If an ancient prophesy is correct, then Michael "Barney" Chandler has the most important job in England.  The 56-year-old former Royal Marine is the new ravenmaster at the Tower of London.  It is his new job to be responsible for looking after the feathered protectors of the 1,000-year-old fortress.

According to legend, if the ravens leave the 11th century fortress beside the River Thames, its White Tower will crumble and the Kingdom of England will fall.

In the 17th century, King Charles II was told of the prophesy and decreed that there must always be six ravens at the tower.


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