36. LYNDON B. JOHNSON (1963-1969)
His first career was as a teacher. He worked at a school near the U.S.-Mexican border for four years before launching a career in politics.
37. RICHARD M. NIXON (1969-1974)
He became such a skillful poker player while stationed in the Solomon Islands during World War II that his winnings helped launch his political career upon his return to the United States.
38. GERALD FORD (1974-1977)
A star football player at the University of Michigan, Ford turned down offers from both the Detroit Lions and the Green Bay Packers.
39. JIMMY CARTER (1977-1981)
When his father died in 1953, Carter gave up his successful military career to move back to Georgia to run the family's peanut farm.
40. RONALD REAGAN (1981-1989)
He worked as a life guard and sportscaster before becoming an actor and later a politician.