Thursday, May 14, 2020

About Those Titanic Passengers-- Part 4: Popcorn Dan

Same source as last two entries.

One person on the fated ship was a local legend of author Veronica Hinke's hometown of Merrill, Wisconsin, Popcorn Dan aka Daniel Coxon.  From England, the one-armed Coxon was headed for Merrill on that trip. 

He had traveled to his native England for a visit home, then delayed his journey home so he could book passage aboard the "highly touted new steamer, the Titanic.  Traveling in steerage, he boarded the ship in Southampton only to be lost forever in the disaster, his body never recovered.

It was this story of a man from northern Wisconsin aboard that magnificent ship that got her to delve further into the story and find out about onboard experiences.


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