Thursday, December 12, 2019

Eight-Year-Old Criminals in 1944?

From the February 20, 2019, MidWeek  "Looking Back."

1944, 75 Years Ago.

"Two eight-year-old youngsters and their parents were at the city hall yesterday afternoon where a hearing was held to see what should be done with the two boys who had admitted  they broke into two places in this city, a barber shop and a bakery.

"Attending the hearing besides the boys and their parents were George Spitz, assistant state's attorney, Chief of Police Ben Peck and Frank Phillips, superintendent of schools.  It was decided that one of the youngsters would make his home in the future  with a relative on a farm and the other youngster  will report each day to Mr. Phillips."

I Wonder What Happened To Theses Lads.  Eight Is Kinda Young For This.  --Cooter

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