Tuesday, December 11, 2018

60th Anniversary Our Lady of the Angels Fire-- Part 3: A Recipe For Disaster

While the building was made of brick, it was the interior that was fuel for the fire.  Inside was entirely combustible.  The walls, desks, doors and the roof quickly burned.  The floors had been coated with flammable petroleum-based waxes that had built up over the years.

There was only one fire escape which was located in the north wing but the hallway leading to it quickly became filled with toxic smoke.  Sprinklers were not required in the building.  Fire alarms were located in the south wing and not connected to the fire department.

There were not any fire safe doors from the stairway to the second floor.  The few fire extinguishers in the north wing were mounted seven feet off the floor as a deterrent to students messing with them.  Unfortunately, at seven feet even most of the adults could not reach them without a ladder.

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