Monday, May 14, 2018

25 Things About 'LaVerne and Shirley'-- Part 3: What About Laverne's Famous "L" Monogram

8.  Lenny and Squiggy were originally hired on to the "Laverne & Shirley" show as writers, but wrote themselves into the story line  The network even considered having them get a spin-off of their own.

9.  Squiggy regularly tried to get Laverne to go out with him.  Cindy Williams and David Lander actually dated during the early seasons.

10.  Laverne and Shirley was a Marshall family affair.  Penny Marshall starred in it.  Gary Marshall created, produced, wrote and directed.  Their sister Ronny Hallin was casting director.  Their father Anthony Marshall was producer.  Once Anthony Marshall thought Penny had talked rudely to him and refused to sign her weekly $75,000 check until she apologized.

11.  Laverne's famous ubiquitous "L" monogram came about so viewers would remember her name. on the new show.


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