Saturday, February 21, 2015

"The Breakfast Club" Movie at 30-- Part 4: Detention

Though the movie is mostly about John Hughes' time at Glenbrrok North High School, this detention comes from New Trier Township High, where the weekday morning detentions have been called "The Breakfast Club" for decades.

And, New Trier still has them.  But Scott Williams, assistant principal in charge of discipline says, "But I made it a personal point a few years ago of not calling it 'Breakfast Club' anymore.  'Breakfast Club' sounded fun.  Detention is not supposed to be fun-- there is no dancing on the tables or climbing into ceilings."

As for Saturday morning detention: It still lives, from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. and staff does, on occasion, ask students yo write what they had learned.

In the movie, Bender gets another eight weeks of detention.  According to Williams, "If we had a student at that level, I doubt he would be going here now."


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