Saturday, February 21, 2015

"The Breakfast Club" Movie at 30-- Part 5: Teen Smoking and Alienation


Judd Nelson smoked cigarettes and marijuana.    "Only burners get high," as Molly Ringwald told him.  But later in the film, everyone of the students smoked grass.  In 2014, a study showed that about 37 percent of high schoolers did at least once a year.

As far as cigarettes in 1991, a study showed 25.5% did, by 2013, fewer than 16%.  However, like with Nelson, most likely students to smoke are loners, rebels and the ones from broken homes.


None of the "Breakfast Club" students were happy with their parents who said they were pressured, smothered, abused and at best ignored..  Mothers were entering the work force and, of course, Dads were already in it.

Studies today show this is not as bad as in the past.  They show that 14% of millennials 25 to 34 still live at home.  And, 2/3 of the millennials report positive relationships with their parents.

Hey, Free Room and Board, Wouldn't You.  --Dacoot

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