Thursday, September 26, 2013

The B-52s Are Still Around-- Part 1: A "Family Business"

From the August 25, 2013, Chicago Tribune "B-52, Cold Warrior that soldiers on" by W.J. Hennigan.

"For Air Force Capt. Daniel "Swoop" Welch, flying a B-52 bomber has become family business.

"His father, retired Lt. Col. Don Welch, was trained to drop nuclear bombs with the aircraft during the height of the Cold War. His grandfather, retired Col. Don Sprague, flew B-52 combat missions in Vietnam.

"It is definitely a testament to the robust design of the B-52," said Welch, 28. "Getting to fly the same aircraft as my father and grandfather has been pretty cool."

And these planes are getting ready for an overhaul that will continue their use indefinitely.

"Off We Go Into...." --Cooter

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