Thursday, September 26, 2013

Henry Hudson's Half Moon at Albany, New York

From the September 20, 2013, USA Today.

Accompanied by a picture of the Half Moon firing a cannon at the end of a pier.

Caption "A replica of Henry Hudson's Half Moon fires a cannon as it arrives Thursday on the Hudson River in Albany, N.Y., to mark Hudson's 1609 sailing into Albany."

This full-sized replica is actually the second one of the famous ship. The first one was made in the Netherlands in 1909 and given to the U.S. to mark the 300th anniversary of the ship's arrival at Albany in 1609. This was the first European ship to document its exploration of the Hudson River. It was destroyed by fire in 1934.

This replica was made in 1989.

The SUNY System Adminstration Building in Albany has a ten-foot high and ten-foot long weathervane of it which is the biggest working one in the Americas.


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