Friday, March 15, 2013

The Catholic Church-- Part 4


England split off as well.  King Henry VIII was denied annulment of his marriage so he could marry Anne Boleyn by Pope Clement VII, who feared offending Emperor Charles V, nephew of Henry's current wife.

Also, doctrine said that the pope not only had power over the church, but over states and kings as well.  Definitely something the kings weren't keen on.

Then in the 11th century, the Catholic Church in Constantinople split with the one in Rome, a split that continues on to today with the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church.

Three centuries later, the papacy also survived the push for parliamentary democracy which made the English king a figurehead.  Then, in the late 1400s came the Two Popes, one was in Avignon and one in Rome.

Pope Gregory VII, before he became pope, created the system where cardinals elect the pope... Some popes like John Paul II and Urban II wre great preachers. It was Urban II who called for the military expedittions to get the Holy Land back from the Muslims.  This led to the Crusades.

Surely, a Lot of History Here. 

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