Thursday, March 7, 2013

Evolution of the Personal Computer-- Part 3

1965--  The PDP-8, made by Digital Equipment Corp., debuts and becomes the first minicomputer success.  Price: $18,000.

1969--  The Department of Defense establishes the first computer network called ARPAnet--  later renamed the internet.

1971--  ARPAnet transmits the first email.

1972  Atari releases Pong, kick-starting the video game industry.  We even got one by 1974, which, until Mom got me the new iPad this past Christmas was the closest I'd ever been to "current" with all this stuff.

1975--  Popular Electronics puts the Atair 8800 computer kit on its January cover, and it maker, MITS, is flooded with orders.  memory: 256 bytes.

Loved That Pong, But Thought Odyssey Made It.  --DaCoot

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