Wednesday, September 5, 2012

USS Olympia Under Attack By Economy-- Part 2

In the Spanish-American War, it was the flagship of Dewey's Pacific Squadron.  During World War I, it was obsolete, but patrolled the US east coast on the watch for German raiders.  It later escorted troops to Russia during the Allied intervention in the Russian Revolution.  The ship also carried the remains of the Unknown Soldier back tio the U.S.

In 1931, it was reclassified as an ayxiliary relic and in World War II served as a barracks.  In 1957, the Olympia was given to a non-profit group for use as a floating museum.

At this point in time, it appears to be doomed.  The Friends of the Cruiser Olympia is trying to raise money in order to take custody of the ship and begin work to save it.

Sixty-two leaks have been discovered.  A steel-hulled ship should be drydocked every twenty years for repairs, but the ship has been in the water since 1945.

Here's Hoping for the Best for This Historic Ship.  --Cooter

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