Friday, September 14, 2012

Ten Things You Might Not Know About Teachers-- Part 3

5.  When future president LYNDON JOHNSON taught speech at Sam Houston High School in Houston, he drove his debate team relentlessly, putting them through 50 practice competitions.  The team easily won the city and district competition, but lost at the state level, upsetting Johnson so much that he ran into the bathroom and threw up.

6.  AN ITALIAN CONNECTION:  Famed educator MARIA MONTESSORI left Italy and went into exile because of philosophical clashes with a former teacher--  Italian dictator BENITO MUSSOLINI, whose students nicknamed him "il tiranno" (the tyrant).  (Couldn't you have just imagined a lecture by Adolf Hitler had he been a teacher.  No way you could have fallen asleep in that class.)

7.  Teachers are HEROES everyday, but espcially when violence erupts.  SHANNON WRIGHT shielded a studnet and was fatally shot during a school massacre in Jonesboro, Arkansas.  In 1998, DAVE SANDERS was killed while helping students to safety at Columbine High School outside Denver in 1999.  When a student started setting off pipe bombs at a school in San Mateo, California, in 2009, KENNET SANTANA tackled him.

Three More to Come.  --Cooter

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