Wednesday, August 1, 2012

USS Olympia Battles for Survival-- Part 2

In 1996, the Independence Seaport Museum took the ship over and has spent $5.5 million on the ship for repairs, maintenance and inspections.  It is estimated that it will cost $10 million to dredge the site, tow the Olympia to dry dock and repair it and the museum can not affort to do it.  In addition, another $10 million endowment will be needed for future care.

The Olympia has been in the same spot since 1945, despite recommendations that it be drydocked every twenty years for repairs.

The Friends of the Cruiser Olympia and the Cruiser Olympia Historical Society are trying to raise money, manpower and get publicity.

The USS Olympia was the most technologically advanced ship in the world when it was launched and became the flagship of the U.S. Asiatic Squadron, a post it still held when the Spanish-American War started.  At the Battle of Manila Bay on May 1, 1898, Admiral George Dewey (who was also at Fort Fisher during the Civil War)  issued his now famous command from the bridge, "You may fire when you are ready, Gridley."  Fire from the Olympia and other ships destroyed the Spanish fleet..  The Olympia was hit 7 or 8 times but sustained no major damage.

Saving the Ship.  --Cooter

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