Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A Leo Burnett Moment-- Part 3

Leo Burnett's "images, ideas and characters tend to be the ones that made themselves at home in your head many years ago..."

Other Burnett images in our heads:

1. Who will always be lonely?

2. Who will always be finicky?

3. Who is always cooking in that tree?

4. Who is soft in the middle and always laughs if you poke him there?

5. Exactly what does that laugh sound like?

6. Whose nose knows?

7. Who thinks it's "Gr-r-reat!"

8. What brand did that rugged cowboy out west represent?

Answers Below.

It is amazing how many of his campaigns have stuck with me, and, if you're in my age bracket, almost 60, you as well.

1. the Maytag repairman.

2. Morris the Cat

3. the Keebler elves

4. the Pillsbury Doughboy

5. I can't spell it out, but know the sound well.

6. Toucan Sam

7. Tony the Tiger

8. the Marlboro Man

How'd You Do? --Cooter

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