Wednesday, October 5, 2022

This Month in the American Revolution: Proclamation of 1763, Stamp Act and First Continental Congress, Battle of Saratoga and Surrender at Yorktown

From the American Battlefield Trust.

OCTOBER 7, 1763

**   Proclamation of 1763.  King George III banned American colonists from settling beyond the Appalachian Mountains.

OCTOBER 7-23, 1765

**  Stamp Act Congress meets in Philadelphia to discuss  the crisis.

SEPTEMBER  5 -- OCTOBER 26, 1774

**  The First Continental Congress meets at Carpenter's Hall in Philadelphia.

OCTOBER 7, 1777

**  Battle of Saratoga, New York, concludes with a major American victory.

OCTOBER 19, 1781

**  British General Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown, Virginia. 


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