Saturday, March 5, 2022

Twelve More American Revolution Cannons Found in the Savannah River-- Part 2: HMS Rose?

The river bottom of the Savannah River is strewn with all sorts of old stuff , ranging from Indian pottery to parts of a Confederate Civil War ironclad (the CSS Georgia) and other vessels lost dating back to Colonial times.  

When the first three cannons were found during dredging last February east of Savannah's famed River Street, archaeologists and the British Royal Navy  offered an intriguing possibility about their source.

Based on measurements and appearance, those cannons might have been from the British HMS Rose, a ship they scuttled during the American revolution in the Savannah River to block French ships from aiding the colonists who were attempting to retake the city.

But, now further investigation has the ship being sunk farther up the river and that it had had its cannons removed beforehand.

Farther research show that the cannons might have belonged to  British transport ships that were also sunk to block the river's channel.

Archaeologists are hoping further research will bring to light identifying elements of the cannons and matches to what the scuttled ships were carrying as weapons.

So, Whose Cannons?  --Cooter

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