Sunday, June 27, 2021

The Dewey Medal-- Part 2: About the Zafiro and Nanshan and the Medal

The colliers USS Nanshan and USS Zafiro were part of Dewey's squadron and supported the Manila Bay operation but are not listed  in Navy regulations having  their crew members eligible for the Dewey Medal.  This is because these ships were not actively involved in the battle and at the time they were civilian-manned vessels purchased to support the Navy ships.

The Nanshan was commanded by Navy Lieutenant Benjamin W. Hodges, but  technically remained a merchant ship so se could resupply at neutral ports  which simplified the squadron's logistics.  The Zafiro was commanded by Ensign Henry A.  Pearson, USN, and, like the Nanshan, was technically a merchant ship at the time of the battle.

Both ships were later commissioned into the U.S. Navy.


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