Monday, May 10, 2021

Five Shipwrecks Waiting to Be Discovered-- Part 1: The Santa Maria and HMS Endeavor

From the April 29, 2021, "5 famous shipwrecks still waiting to be discovered" by Evan Andrews.

Of course, it was always my plan that if I couldn't get some sort of a history job when I grew up, I'd start looking for sunken ships (and maybe treasure, who knows?).  Well, here are five shipwrecks still waiting to be found.


Columbus' flagship.  Sunk on a coral reef near present day Haiti on Christmas Day 1492.


Carried James Cook around the world on his first voyage of discovery 1768-1771.  Once back in England,  sold o a private buyer and renamed the Lord Sandwich.  Used to ferry British troops to America during the Revolution.

While at Newport Harbor, Rhode Island, it was one of  13 vessels intentionally sunk to   to stop the approaching French fleet.


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