Monday, March 8, 2021

So Sorry to See It Come to This: Woke and Cancel Culture Hits Columbus, Washington and Lincoln & Others

From the Feb. 18, 2021, Chicago Tribune "Columbus, Washington and Lincoln statues up for review" by Gregory Pratt.

Images on List of 41 Controversial Monuments in City.  That would be Chicago.

It is bad enough that some of us have to live with the Confederadication Thing, but now this.  I figured if they could now go after Confederate stuff that would open up attacks on a myriad of things and it sure has.

Statues of Presidents George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and William McKinley, as well as the Italian explorer Christopher Columbus, were among the 41 public statues in Chicago on a list from the mayor's administration that are in for further review as part of "a racial healing and historical reckoning project" started last summer.

Other ones on the list (well, let's call it what it is, a HIT LIST) include statues of President  Ulysses S. Grant. a Benjamin Franklin statue, a police memorial tied to the Haymarket Riot and a statue of Leif Ericson at Humboldt Park.

--CootWoke?  Don't Think So.

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